NitroDesk TouchDown is usually a third-party Exchange ActiveSync (EAS) application for Android and also iOS. Because countless enterprise mobility management vendors support it and put it to use as their email client of choice, I wanted for more information about it, and so i just had enable you to talk to Nitrodesk COO Ron Goins. I’m not going to find yourself in any hard core analysis in today’s article (it’s Friday, after all) but here's a few interesting things My spouse and i learned:
First, a few background on portable mail clients. These days third-party mail clients often utilized to keep personal and corporate info separate, or to safeguarded corporate mail and never have to lock down the user experience on the remainder of a system. But before modern MDM came along, third-party clients was once the only approach to deliver and safeguarded corporate email in many devices (and this became happening since technique before
iOS and also Android, too).
When Android was launched in October '08, it didn’t provide an Exchange
ActiveSync consumer, nor did this have any conditions for corporate management. Several third-party send apps were released around that period, and one advisors was NitroDesk Landing, created by Goutham Sukumar and also released in November 2008.
At once, it ended up being looking every day to find a corporate email consumer for Android. He found
TouchDown, installed it, and this didn’t work. It turned away that that Ron lived just a few miles away through Goutham, so the met up to ensure Goutham could debug your app. That lead to Ron becoming a part of NitroDesk, which nowadays has 10 personnel and over 2 million users.