Thursday, January 22, 2015

Mix Audio Files App Free

Mixere is a free, open-source application for mixing audio files. It runs on Windows NT/2000/XP, and supports WAV, AIFF, MP3, Ogg Vorbis, Flac, and Mod audio files.

Mixere is optimized for live performance, and especially for creating live sound collage. Conceptually, it’s like a rack full of CD players connected to an automated mixer. Mixere's features include dynamic looping of audio, auto-triggering of audio, fully automated sliders, "soft" (gradual) mute/solo operations, crossfading between documents, and unlimited undo.

A Mixere document consists of a number of tracks, each containing a single audio file. Any number of tracks can play simultaneously, subject only to the limits of Windows and sound card performance. Audio is streamed directly from disk, so there's no limit on audio file size, and no waiting for audio to be loaded into memory.


Mixere's interface is similar to a spreadsheet. The rows are tracks, and the columns are properties which can be adjusted for each track: name, transport (play/pause/stop/loop), mute/solo, volume, pan, pitch (+/- one octave), and audio position.

Mixere is licensed under the GPL, and uses an open-source audio library called Audiere.


  • Automation sliders
  •     All sliders can be automated, individually or in groups. Automation in this context means programming a slider thumb to move from one point to another within a given time interval. Times can range from .01 seconds to 100 hours. Automations can be one-shots or loops; loops can be used to create auto-panning, vibrato, and tremolo effects.
  • Variable automation waveforms
  •     Each automation has its own waveform setting. The available waveforms are triangle, ramp up, ramp down, square, and random.
  • Audio looping
  •     Audio files can be played as one-shots or loops. Any portion of an audio file can be looped, and a loop’s end points can be edited dynamically while the audio is playing. The audio position can be also changed dynamically for “scratching” effects.
  • Clipboard support
  •     The standard Windows editing keys are fully supported for copying or moving tracks within a document, or between documents, via the Windows clipboard.
  • Unlimited undo
  •     Unlimited undo/redo is supported for all operations.
  • Dragging/sorting tracks
  •     Single or multiple tracks can be repositioned within a document using drag-and-drop, without interruption of audio. Tracks can also be sorted by name or control value, by clicking on a column header.
  • Loading multiple audio files
  •     Any number of audio files can be inserted into a document at once, using either the standard file open dialog, or drag-and-drop from Windows Explorer.
  • Auto-trigger
  •     A track can be programmed to trigger its audio repeatedly, at a specific interval, regardless of the audio length.
  • Multi-track operations
  •     Multiple tracks can easily be played, paused, stopped, muted, or soloed simultaneously. Slider automation can also be programmed in multiple tracks simultaneously.
  • “Soft” mute/solo
  •     A mute/solo operation can be made gradual rather than immediate; this unusual feature is very useful for live mixing.
  • Snapshots
  •     A document's state can be captured in a "snapshot", which can be restored at any time. Any number of snapshots can be created, and they can have shortcut keys assigned to them.

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